atmo-o.exe assemble <path to "folder">
Say you were sending rockets into space for clients and you are using XML and JSON to specify the parameters for each rocket. A lot of the information in each of those text files is duplicated. After updating the files for all upcoming rockets for a while, soon you don’t know which files have which updates. You have to try and keep all the variations in your memory. You might resort to using difference tools to discover the variations. With Atmo-O FS all the duplicate pieces of text are stored singularly and separately and externally and aliased or instanced in. The text files are split into pieces, from one perspective, without duplicates, because of the use of aliasing, and all joined up through the file system FS from another.
You use the Inter and Intra document aliasing aspect of Atmo O FS for the same reason you use generics in a programming language. That is to paramatise a functions type, so it generates a new function for each type that is used, so you don't repeat yourself and then have to maintain all the separate repetitions.
Say your IT specialist has created a documented a process that all users must follow when opening a particular file. Because Atmo-O-FS can embed executables that are executed when the file is opened, the IT department can turn the documented user process into an automated process and eliminate all those procedures and chances for user error. "Commands" have to be turned on in the O_Settings.xml file. There are security implications when receiving O_Types with embedded commands from 3rd parties with the setting turned on. Especially because the software libraries Atmo O FS uses are very eager and will even rummage through your recycle bin ie. you don't even need to navigate your browser to them.
Atmo O FS has no GUI graphical user interface to learn. It uses your file browser, so you know how to use it's interface already.
An Atmo O FS “visitor” is an executable that is run on every file in your O_Type. The example provided “html-img.exe”, works on web based image formats such as .jpeg, .png, .gif and turns an embedded image fle name into the appropriate HTML <img src=”<….> ”> . When you update the file name of the image it will always be updated in the generated HTML <img> “src=” tag. Visitors have to be turned on in the O_Settings.xml file. Because of the number of times the executable has to be run on all your O_Types in the folder in a file browser its recommended mainly for command line usage. Turn it off when using the file browser as it gives extremely bad performance.
Atmo O FS supports binary files like images and any other binary file format. You can use Inter and Intra document aliasing with binaries if you can understand the binary format. Or use embedded "Commands" for encapsulation as described above.