
Files beginning with ‘.’ are skipped as macOS creates '.DS_Store' and many other '.' files. Windows Desktop.ini are also skipped.

Case sensitivity affects cross platform compatibility such as .O_Ace path alias names.


Windows Installation

Atmo O FS runs on x86 64 bit Windows 10 and related server editions.

Atmo O FS will not install with Windows 10 feature "Controlled Folder Access" switched on as it protects "My Documents" by default.

Atmo O FS requires a free Windows plug-in called Dokany. Download DokanSetup.exe or later from Dokany on GitHub.

Download and run the Windows Atmo O FS installer and complete the installation process.

Windows: What is installed
  • C:\Program Files\Atmo-O-FS\ :
  • LICENSE.TXT - the legal license for the software.
  • \bin\Atmo-O-FS.exe - file system executable that uses Dokan library to provide a drive letter.
  • \bin\O_Settings.xml - configures if Atmo-O-FS runs Command and Visitor executables and calculates O_Type size.
  • \bin\atmo-o.exe - the command line tool.
  • \bin\html-img.exe - utility which converts embedded image files to <img src="X"> via O_Type.xml visitor.
  • C:\Users\{username}\Documents\Example webpage O_Type - an example O_Type that can be browsed through the drive letter used by Atmo-O-FS usually O:\
    Note: It does not appear in your \Documents favorite. Navigate through C:\Users\{username}\Documents

Windows: Example O_Type use

Once Dokan and Atmo-O-FS are both installed, type:
C:\Program Files\Atmo-O-FS\Atmo-O-FS.exe -d -f O ( Sometimes this erroneously returns immediately. If so, try again. )
This will run the file system creating an "O:\" drive which echoes the C:\ and is browsable via the file explorer.
Now browse through the O:\ drive to find "O:\Users\{username}\Documents\Example webpage O_Type\webpage.html". It should now appear as an assembled file instead of the source folder collection.

Windows: Known issues

  • After installation, Windows command line or PowerShell terminals will need to be closed and re-opened for the updated PATH environment variable to take effect.
  • Not usable with some anti-malware products activated.
  • To unmount a drive: Open a window with Admin priveleges at "C:\Program Files\Dokan\Dokan Library-1.5.0\x86" PS>./DokanCtl.exe /u O
  • Atmo O File System will look ahead and search for O_Types. Even in the Recycle Bin. Set O_Settings.xml < for untrusted O_Types. This is the default.
  • Does not respect the permissions of the source O_Type folder.
  • .html O_Type pages do not open in the Edge browser. And quite a few other application incompatibilities.
  • Don’t have malformed O_Types for example with missing O_Aces near where you are browsing as paths below being browsed are accessed automatically by the eager file system. It will also check your “Recycle Bin”. Zipping or deleting file O_Type.xml on unused O_Types will prevent this. For security Eject the Dokan drive before examining foreign O_Types.
  • Windows may place a BOM (Byte order mark) “\u{feff}” at the beginning of the file.
  • PS> atom-o.exe assemble —binary o_type.bin > output.bin doesn’t make an exact duplicate with PowerShell neither does cat.exe & type.exe but under CMD.exe they do. Use PS>cmd /c ‘.atmo-o.exe assemble —binary “C:\source.bin” > output.bin’
  • Unmount when started without -f PS>& 'C:\Program Files\Dokan\Dokan Library-1.4.0\dokanctl.exe' /u O
  • Eject doesn't work Ctrl-Alt-Del into task manager and end Atmo-O-FS.exe
  • To access O_Types on drive letters other than C:\:
    Make a link from C:\E_Drive to E:\
    (PowerShell Admin)
    New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Path “C:\” -Name “E_Drive -Value "E:\”
    Now navigate through "C:\E_Drive"
  • Notepad doesn’t load files with 0 size. Try Visual Studio Code.
  • If network connection from Windows to Mac O_Types will error because “Too many open files”


macOS Installation

Atmo O FS file system runs on most x86 64 bit Macs.

Atmo O FS requires Mac OS X macFuse at OSX Fuse FS. Download and install this free plug-in.
Once installed the plug-in can be found in macOS->Settings->macFuse at the bottom of the window.

Download and run the macOS Atmo O FS installer and complete the installation process.

macOS: What is installed
  • /Library/Filesystems/Atmo-O-FS/ :
  • LICENSE.TXT - the license for the software.
  • /bin/Atmo-O-FS - the executable of the file system.
  • /bin/O_Settings.xml - configures how Atmo-O-FS works with embedded executables, etc.
  • /bin/atmo-o - the command line tool.
  • /bin/html-img - utility which converts embedded image files to <img src="X"> via O_Type.xml visitor.
  • /Users/Shared/Example webpage O_Type - an example O_Type that can be browsed to through the path used by Atmo-O-FS.

macOS: Example O_Type use

Once 'Mac OS X Fuse' and Atmo-O-FS are installed, Open a new Terminal window so the updated PATH environment variable is used.
Atmo-O-FS/bin/Atmo-O-FS -d -f /Volumes/Atmo-O-FS - to start the file system.
Browse through /Volumes/Atmo-O-FS to echo the root "/".
Try the browsing for the bundled "/Volumes/Atmo-O-FS/Users/Shared/Example webpage O_Type/webpage.html" and it should now appear as an assembled file instead of the source folder.

macOS: Known issues

  • Apple had users with SSD reformat their drives with the new APFS which has case sensitive as an option. When making O_Types use the case sensitive path names.
  • Does not respect the permissions of the source O_Type folder.
  • macOS MS Visual Studio Code returns an ENXIO error & mangles any further O_Type loading. umount and remount with “-r”, read only, the file system and use a different editor.
  • Not usable with some anti-malware products activated. It continuously spins.
  • FUSE mount option -d -f for debugging info. -d debug, -f single threaded.
  • Use umount /Volumes/Atmo-O-FS if started without -d -f otherwise use Ctrl-C to quit.
  • TextEdit sometimes interprets the HTML TextEdit->Preferences->”Open and Save”->Display HTML files as HTML code…
  • TextEdit doesn’t load files with 0 size. Try
  • SMB networking on Mac seems to cache files here.


Linux Installation

Atmo O FS runs on x86_64 Linux. Atom O FS file system includes the command line tool "atmo-o" & FUSE file system "Atmo-O-FS".

Atmo O FS requires the FUSE file system. "sudo apt-get install fuse_2.9.9-5ubuntu2" . May not use the latest version.

Download the Linux Atmo O FS installer.

To extract the downloaded *.tar.gz file and put it in a directory:
mkdir -p ./Atmo-O-FS && tar -xzf "Atmo O FS Linux"*.tar.gz -C ./Atmo-O-FS

To install type:
cd Atmo-O-FS
chmod +x
sudo ./ The ~/.profile PATH environment variable will only update on next login.
sudo apt-get install fuse_2.9.9-1ubuntu1 may not the latest version
sudo mkdir /mnt/Atmo-O-FS
sudo chmod 777 /mnt/Atmo-O-FS
export PATH=PATH$:/opt/Atmo-O-FS/binThis will only affect the current Terminal
sudo Atmo-O-FS -d -f /mnt/Atmo-O-FS

Linux: What is installed
  • /opt/Atmo-O-FS/ :
  • /LICENSE.TXT - the license for the software.
  • /bin/Atmo-O-FS - the executable of the file system that uses FUSE to mount a file system.
  • /bin/O_Settings.xml - configures if Atmo-O-FS runs Command and Visitor executables and calculates O_Type size.
  • /bin/atmo-o - the command line tool.
  • /bin/html-img - utility which converts embedded image files to <img src="X"> via O_Type.xml visitor.
  • /Example webpage O_Type - an example O_Type that can be browsed to through the file system by Atmo-O-FS.

Linux: Example O_Type use

Once FUSE is installed, "cd" into the correct directory containing this package and type:
This will run the file system which echoes the root "/" & browsable is via the file explorer.
Use "/mnt/Atmo-O-FS" to browse through root and find "/opt/Atmo-O-FS/Example webpage O_Type/webpage.html" and it should now appear as an assembled file instead of the source folder & files.

For command line tool type:
atmo-o assemble <path> and point the path to the bundled "/opt/Atmo-O-FS/Example webpage O_Type/webpage.html" folder.

Linux: Known issues

  • Atmo-O-FS on Linux is eager and looks ahead into O_Types that are’t yet being browsed. All O_Types being assembled by the FUSE file system must be free from errors or Atmo-O-FS will abort.
  • Does not respect the permissions of the source O_Type folder.
  • To kill Atmo-O-FS, eject the FS from ALL file browsers left side & then type: sudo umount -f ~/Atmo-O-FS
  • If file browser at Atmo-O-FS/ root is empty then kill the file browser. Nautilus->Quit.